21st century Japan, The economy is in total collapse and unemployment rate is at its highest. Unable to sustain their economy the government passed the Battle Royale act wherein the a class of students are selected and brought to a secluded island, asked to wear a death trap tracking device and given one weapon. The goal is to kill each other until there is only one remaining student. The prize, is that the student gets to keep his/her own life. All this bloodshed for the sustenance of the country and economy.
Click on the link below to download the free Battle Royale 1 mp4 movie (full length movie)
Battle Royale 1

Battle Royale 2

3 years after the first Battle Royale, the government sent another class of student. Not to kill each other but to capture a terrorist threatening to take down the government. Although that is the plot, the intent is there; less students better economy.
Click on the link below to download the free Battle Royale II mp4 movie: (full length movie)
Battle Royale II
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